Governance and leadership
What is governance? For Vancity, governance is the manner in which the Board of Directors sets and guides the overall direction of the credit union to ensure its success, as both a viable business, and a socially, environmentally and economically responsible financial co-operative that is aligned with the interests and values of its members, employees and external stakeholders.
Board of Directors
Members elected by members, the Board leads by having a clear sense of where Vancity is heading and guides the credit union towards its goals.
Held every year, the Board reaches out to members in search of Vancity’s future leaders.
Annual General Meeting
A yearly opportunity for members to hear from the Board with respect to Vancity’s performance, and engage in a conversation about its plans.
Executive Leadership Team
A strong management team provides the Board with the information and expert advice it needs to make good, consistent and sound decisions.
Our Constitution and Rules
Approved by the membership, the Constitution and Rules provide a framework for how Vancity is governed.
An integrated group of companies that offer an extended range of financial services, in addition to those currently offered by the credit union.