2009 - 2010 grants
2009 - 2010 enviroFund™ grant recipients
In 2009, enviro Visa cardholders voted to support sustainable agriculture, ecosystem preservation and restoration, and consumption and waste reduction. A record $398,000 was awarded to 10 local projects. Read the stories below.

Your Local Farmer's Market Society and Vancouver Farmers Markets
Winter food in Vancouver ($50,000)
By establishing a weekly Winter Farmers Market this project creates greater public access to local food, and reduces public food miles by promoting local eating throughout the year. VFM also hosts food preservation "how to" events.

Environmental Youth Alliance
Backyard bounty ($50,000)
Today's food system is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and the second largest consumer of fossil fuels. Backyard Bounty works to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, food waste and the consumption of fossil fuels through a local approach to food systems. It also runs public education workshops.

Langley Environmental Partners Society
Seed to plate: action for local food ($48,000)
The Seed to Plate project takes a multi-faceted approach to urban agriculture and food miles education in Langley. Using the Murrayville Community Garden together with various community partnerships, Langley residents are encouraged to grow their own food and participate in initiatives to increase food self-reliance.

Stanley Park Ecology Society
Stanley Park State of the Park report ($48,000)
The State of the Park report ensures that the park's ecological health and biodiversity will be preserved for years to come. Early research has already begun, and two beetle species previously unknown to the world were discovered!

Strathcona Business Improvement Association
Materials exchange network ($48,000)
Metro Vancouver currently generates 3.5 million tonnes of waste annually. SBIA represents over 400 businesses and works to reduce the amount of waste they produce. This project increases waste exchanges by building awareness through workshops, identifying opportunities, and facilitating exchanges by providing a technology platform for online waste exchange.

David Suzuki Foundation
Healthy salmon, healthy communities ($45,000)
This project's goal is to protect critical habitat in Canada's largest salmon-producing river, the Fraser, by engaging the public, community leaders and planners to educate and empower residents to take action on this urgent issue.

Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust
Wildlife and sustainable farming ($45,000)
Important grassland habitats in the lower Fraser River delta are rapidly declining. Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust works with local farmers to establish Grassland Set-asides that support wildlife while improving the fertility of agricultural soils. The success of this program demonstrates that wildlife conservation and long-term agricultural management can be integrated.

Victoria Compost and Conservation Education Society
Backyard farming and sustainable living for youth ($29,000)
SLUGS, stands for Sustainable Living and Urban Gardening Skills, engages and trains youth aged 15-18. Participants learn important organic backyard farming skills such as soil building, water conservation, planting, harvesting, and preserving foods. The confidence gained through the project also empowers youth to make a real change in their families and communities.

DRS Earthwise Society
Earthwise Farmscape project ($20,000)
The Earthwise Farmscape project showcases sustainable farming techniques at the Earthwise Farm that lessen the impact of farming on the natural environment. Farmscaping techniques incorporating habitat planting to increase biodiversity is demonstrated for farmers and the public, and the impacts of these techniques is assessed by conducting bird and insect counts.

Dogwood Initiative
Protecting our wild coast ($15,000)
By educating and engaging residents and community groups in sustainable regional planning, this project protects important forest ecosystems on southern Vancouver Island, including at-risk wildlife habitat, recreation and renewable resource areas.