Priority area: Public advocacy and education
This priority area for the Vancity enviroFund™ grants supports projects that offer new, innovative and scalable projects that seed change in how people live their daily lives including their patterns of consumption, that increase education and awareness about the resources we use and the waste we create, and that help to develop new policies, cultural context, and markets for more sustainable products and services and ways of living.
Our goal with these grants is to support projects that change the way people, businesses and local governments work: helping our communities to thrive while reducing our overall ecological footprint.
Project criteria
Your project should include as much of the following as possible:
- We will support organizations leading the sustainable living and sustainable consumption dialogue and advocating changes that set the trends, shift social norms and foster sustainable values, and mainstream efforts to reduce our communities' collective ecological footprint and move us towards more sustainable societies.
- your project should generate quantifiable outcomes. Applicants will need to identify and report on impact measures.
- We will support rganizations that – in partnership with Vancity – convene and connect with other community groups, associations, educational institutions and governments to work together on sustainable solutions and inspiring cultural change away from materialism.
- Our goal is to create reciprocal partnerships that will further our vision of Redefining Wealth. Vancity welcomes your ideas on how we can work together to achieve change.
- We will support organizations that amplify impact through education and advocacy, including support for events and initiatives that help members and communities in our region to advance one-planet ecological footprint living by reducing unsustainable consumption.
- Preference is given to initiatives that acknowledge the injustice that is a result of over-consumption and seeks to rectify inequality as part of the project’s mandate or mission
- Preference will be given to projects that can illustrate that they can develop a project that is financially sustainable over time, and/or is a scalable model
If your project aligns with the above criteria, please email envirofund@vancity.com with a brief description of your project, we will then proceed with next step depending on the viability of your project.
How to apply
If your project aligns with the above criteria, please email envirofund@vancity.com with a brief description of your project, we will then proceed with next step depending on the viability of your project.
enviroFund priority areas
- Community sustainability projects
- Strategic sectoral and systemic initiatives
- Public advocacy and education
- enviroFund overview