Lu’ma Native Housing Society’s Children’s Village project
New beginnings for Aboriginal foster families

About this story
- Organization
Lu'ma Native Housing Society - Region
East Vancouver, BC - Area of impact
Aboriginal communities, Social Purpose Real Estate - Type of investment
Loan and grants - Download a long version of this story
It’s an unfortunate fact that access to safe and affordable housing for Aboriginal foster children and their families is hard to come by in the urban environment. That’s where Lu’ma Native Housing Society—Lu’ma means “new beginnings” in Coast Salish—comes in.
Lu’ma, a supplier of affordable housing since 1980, approached Vancity and BC Housing over 8 years ago with the idea of building a Children’s village for Aboriginal foster children and their families. A longtime supporter of affordable housing, Vancity acted as the developer for the property and provided a multi-million dollar construction loan. The completed building contains 24 affordable housing units for urban Aboriginal families and foster children as well as rentable commercial space to help Lu’ma generate income for its services.
It is the perfect place for new beginnings.