Reconciliation in Canada reflects the truth and resilience of Aboriginal Peoples

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Reconciliation Canada is working to build and revitalize relationships among Aboriginal peoples and all Canadians. The legacy of 150,000 Aboriginal children removed from their families at a very young age and the verbal, emotional, physical and sexual abuse that many suffered at Indian Residential Schools mars Canada’s history. Reconciliation Canada’s goal is to help Aboriginal Peoples and all Canadians reconcile, heal, forgive and redefine the future by building resilient communities.
Working closely with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, which held a national event in Vancouver in September 2013, Reconciliation Canada organized two major events: an All Nations Canoe gathering and a Walk for Reconciliation, at which 75,000 people of all backgrounds walked together. These events helped raise understanding and compassion, and promote healing.
Reconciliation Canada continues to organize community events and dialogue workshops, reaching out to survivors of residential schools as well as other communities.
Dr. Chief Robert Joseph, Gwawaenuk, Elder and founding member of Reconciliation Canada, says, “We are one, all Canadians. Reconciliation begins at the individual level and reaches the community. Our spiritual calling, our Aboriginal tradition, is to create peace and harmony among all people and our environment.”
This social justice issue is clearly aligned with Vancity’s guiding principles. In 2012, Vancity contributed $750,000 and became a founding partner with Reconciliation Canada.