Budding: flexible, environmentally conscious daycare

About this story
- Organization
Budding Children’s Garden and Daycare - Region
Vancouver, BC - Area of impact
Social enterprise and social venture - Type of investment
Microloan - Download a
long version of this story
"Vancity really stands behind the local economy and helping out local business." -- Lawrence Erickson, Co-owner and Manager, Budding Children’s Garden and Daycare
Budding Children’s Garden and Daycare is Vancouver’s first fully flexible occasional childcare centre, allowing caregivers to book last-minute daycare time online or via a smartphone app, to a maximum of 40 hours per month.
“We offer childcare that is really flexible,” says co-owner Talia Erickson. “People can use it for one hour at a time or they can book with an hour's notice if something pops up. Parents often have spontaneous childcare needs and we offer scheduling that suits their needs.”
Budding combines convenience and flexibility with an emphasis on sustainability, incorporating environmentally friendly cleansers, organic snacks, low-water-usage washing, an indoor worm compost, and even a small grow-light herb garden through which the children can learn about growing organic food.
Financing was made possible through Vancity’s microloan program and two programs offered through Tale’awtxw Aboriginal Capital Corporation - the First Citizens Fund and the Aboriginal Business Development Program. By working with these community partners, Vancity helped contribute to the successful launch of this unique childcare service.