We’re raising our voice to support stronger climate action

September 28, 2015 -- Vancity was one of the first organizations to sign the Vancouver Economic Commission's pledge to support stronger action on climate change from governments around the world. We’re joined by an esteemed group of socially and environmentally conscious organizations including TELUS, Mountain Equipment Co-op, Hootsuite, Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics, Solegear Bioplastic Technologies, Hydra Energy, Brinkman Climate, East Side Games and the Vancouver Aquarium.
From November 30 – December 10 in Paris, governments from around the world will be attending the United Nations Climate Change Conference to discuss international commitments to reduce carbon emissions.
Signing this pledge is another way for us to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability.
"Business is uniquely positioned to tackle climate change. After all, to meet the challenge, it will take courage, persistence and ingenuity which are traits successful business leaders demonstrate every day." Tamara Vrooman, President and CEO, Vancity
Since becoming carbon neutral in 2008, Vancity continually aims to further reduce its greenhouse gas emissions every year:
- Through recycling and composting activities, Vancity has reduced its net carbon footprint by approximately 837 metric tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.
- In 2015, Vancity increased its employee transit pass reimbursement program from 20% to 25%.
- In 2014, 54% of Vancity employees commuted via sustainable modes of transportation, a significantly higher number than the 27% average for all of Metro Vancouver (based on latest Census Data 2011).
- In 2014, Vancity provided $265 million in financing for green building projects.
- Vancity has supported more than 200 local businesses in measuring and reducing their carbon footprint through the Climate Smart program.
- Vancity’s partnerships with BC Hydro and the City of Vancouver help homeowners save money though energy saving upgrades.
For more information on the pledge, read the Vancouver Economic Commission’s news release.