Home energy advice with a City Green expert.

  • Meet virtually or by phone and get recommendations from a certified City Green expert specific to your home
  • Discover ways to help keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter while lowering emissions
  • Support throughout your renovations — from making a plan to picking products and contractors
  • Free Vancity member perk (value $175+)
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Help your home do better.

Energy checkups can help you find solutions to make your home one that’s high on comfort and low on carbon emissions. A City Green energy expert can show you how it’s done.


Get in touch

Take 10 minutes to answer some questions about your home comfort challenges and City Green will match you up with an expert.


One-on-one with a City Green energy expert

Have an expert inspect your home virtually or over the phone. Get results and recommendations in a personalized report.


Contractors and what else to look for

Your expert can guide you through next steps such as finding rebates, selecting the right products and contractors, reviewing quotes etc.

Get started

Let the experts show you how.

Figuring out what your home needs can be stressful. City Green Solutions and their energy experts are here to help you fix your comfort-related ‘aarghs’. Here’s what your energy expert can guide you with:

Better cooling and heating.

Get ideas for practical changes that can make your home cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Heat pumps are the most energy efficient solution that can do both. It can even be used for hot water heating. Your expert can help you sort out:

  • How would a heat pump work in my home?
  • "Duct-less", "mini-split", "air to water"; what type of heat pump would I get?
  • How can insulation and air sealing address indoor temperatures?
  • What other options do I have?

Cleaner air and less drafts.

Keeping out pollutants and wildfire smoke is important for indoor air quality. City Green's energy experts will be able to help find solutions for damp windows, stuffy rooms, cold rooms and inferior air quality.

Fixes of all sizes and budgets.

Working within a budget? Your expert can give you a range of solutions from simply changing habits, to small installations or updating materials, to bigger changes like heat pumps.

Homes of the future.

Many problems with your home can be fixed by making it climate-friendly. Like switching from gas to electric vehicles, electrifying your home is a crucial part of how we can be part of a cleaner future, today. Your energy expert can guide you there.  

Connect with City Green

City Green's building science approach.

City Green experts use an encompassing House-As-A-System perspective that can improve homes by making them more climate-friendly, comfortable and affordable to operate.

House-As-A-System (HAAS) is a building science concept that considers how all the different parts of your home interact and affect each other. For example, an AC unit brings cool air to your home but City Green will also help you find improvements to keep that cool air in. With their knowledge and experience – you, and your home, are in good hands.

Connect with City Green