Special offers to grow your savings

Jumpstart your savings by 5.00%¹

Get flexibility, great returns, and support your local community with a promotional rate on a select RRSP, TFSA & RRIF Jumpstart™ High Interest Savings Account, available until April 30, 2025. Eligible for new deposits only. Conditions apply.²

Contact us to claim this rate

Savings rate for existing members

Here are two simple and easy ways to grow your RRSP, TFSA or RRIF with guaranteed returns.


High interest savings.

TFSA, RRSP, RRIF High Interest Savings Promotion²

Earn 5.00%¹

  • No monthly fee or minimum balance
  • Defer your taxes in an RRSP or RRIF3
  • For new personal deposits only
  • Limited time rate, earn this rate until April 30, 2025. After that, the regular registered Jumpstart rate will apply.4
  • Already a member? If you already have a Jumpstart account, you'll need to book an appointment and open a new account to get this offer.
Book an appointment

Term deposits.

Term deposits, aka GICs, are often used for short to medium term savings due to its low-risk nature. As part of a registered investment portfolio, you might use this for a portion that you might withdraw or reinvest elsewhere soon (ex. for a purchase, or if you're close to retirement).

More reasons why a GIC might work for you:

  • Earn up to 2.90% on 18-month non-redeemable term deposits. Terms and conditions apply.
  • Guaranteed rates and returns when you invest for the full term
  • Unlike investing in the stock market, your principal is guaranteed
  • Your deposits stay in the local economy

See term deposit rates

Get term deposit advice from a specialist

Get more as a member.

As a Vancity member, you'll also get great things like:

  • $0 monthly fee accounts.¤
    Start banking on your values with $0 monthly fee options on our accounts. View accounts
  • Member perks
    Discounts from our members and community partners. Learn More
  • A community built by you
    Your deposit will earn competitive returns for you while supporting people and businesses in our communities who are making a positive change.
  • A vote equal to everyone else's
    One member, one vote. Our credit union is guided by the people who own it, our members.
Join Vancity


Are the funds locked in? Are there any fees?

No, funds are not locked in. And there are no monthly fees for the Jumpstart HISA account. Please see our Service Charge Bulletin for full details. 

When are returns paid out?

Returns are paid out at the end of each month.

What account types are available for a registered Jumpstart HISA?

You can open a registered Jumpstart HISA as a TFSA, RRSP, or RRIF. Just know that you can only open one registered Jumpstart HISA for each account type.

How much can I contribute to my registered Jumpstart HISA?

You can contribute any amount up to your available TFSA, RRSP, or RRIF contribution room. Keep an eye out for annual contribution deadlines, too.

Can I transfer my registered savings from another financial institution?

Absolutely! The transferred registered savings will qualify as a new deposit eligible for the promotional interest rate.

Are there tax implications for transferring from a registered account to a registered Jumpstart HISA?

No. As long as you’re moving TFSA to TFSA, RRSP to RRSP, or RRIF to RRIF—there are no associated tax implications.

What deposits are eligible for this promotion?

To be eligible for this promotion, funds must be 'new' to Vancity, originating from sources other than an account or investment with Vancity, including accounts or investments with Vancouver City Savings Credit Union or accounts with Aviso Wealth or any of Vancity’s subsidiaries including Vancity Community Investment Bank and Vancity Investment Management Ltd.

What happens after Wednesday, April 30, 2025?

At the end of the promotional period, all balances will earn interest at the regular posted rate.